Monday, June 25, 2012


There's a fine line one must walk with "z" names. Many are original, fresh, and very wearable. Others are unusual to the point of being unpleasant or just bizarre. Here are a few I like:
- Zoe: Fairly common, but entirely lovely
- Zinnia: One of my favorite flower names!
- Zipporah: Exotic and fun, and biblical too, though I'd probably never use it myself!
- Zaylie: Kind of cutsey, but it's a more grown up version of the popular "Kaylie"

- Zebedee: How awesome is this?!
- Zeke: Short and manly, and a great nickname for "Ezekiel"
- Zach/Zachary: Certainly common, but it's a more modern classic
- Zachariah: A more unusual take on the previous name
- Zane: I have a thing for wild west names

Do you have any additions?

1 comment:

  1. Hm, I kinda like Zaylie but I don't think it would fit with our names.
