The letter is "t" and the gender is guys!
Here are my favorite masculine "t" names of the moment:
- Tobias (I love "Toby" for a nickname, even if it is a "dog" name! And "Tobias" is so distinguished!)
- Tate (Uncommon but not weird, simple and strong)
- Thatcher (Going along with the surname trend...)
- Thaddeus (Both "Tad" and "Thad" are nice nicknames)
- Trace (One of our favorite "Louis L'Amour-esque" names)
- Tanian (Short from "Dartanian-" I'd never be likely to use it myself, but I remember a baseball player named "Tanian" after the muskateer, and he totally pulled it off. It's been dear to me ever since.)
I'm probably forgetting some..."t" names tend to be more unusual, unless you stick with something really common like "Thomas." What are your favorite masculine "t" names?
I think that it's amusing that you named your daughter the name of one of the main characters in a book I wrote, and that your top name on this list (Tobias) is a name of one of the main characters in that same book!