Friday, April 29, 2011

Y's and I's

Y's are girly. I's are manly. The end.
Well, not quite. There are instances where Y's can be perfectly masculine, such as when they fall at the end of a name, a la "Avery." Or if a male name traditionally has a Y in it, like "Bryce." But when parents eager to "customize" their son's name think that pulling a Y-for-I switch is a good idea, think again. "Bryan" is not as manly as "Brian." "Ryley" looks much girlier than "Riley." And lets not forget names like "Jayson," "Hayden," and "Shayne," all of which are a bit more feminine that their Y-less counterparts.

Now, to address I's. Whereas I's tend to be more guyish in the middle of a world, Y's decidedly rule the end of a name. "Rory" works fine for a boy or a girl (including my own daughter!), but "Rori" really should only be considered for a female. A man named "Cody" or "Brady" can rest assured that their name will not be mistaken for a girl's (at least right now), but it's a little more iffy with "Codi" and "Bradi." Parents seriously do this to their sons!! I could say it a thousand times: if you want your child to have a unique name, pick a unique name- don't mess with the spelling on a name already established!

In summary, when considering your son's name: I's in the middle, Y's at the end.


  1. So is it bad that I call my son "Eva-Loulie"? Should I change it to "Eva-Louly"? It used to be "Eva-licious" but of course THAT was ridiculous.

  2. Haha! No, in a name like "Loulie," which is very similar to the French "Louie," an "ie" is perfectly acceptable. If you just used an "i," or worse, an "ee," than I would recommend immediate change. And since I'm a firm believer in "All's fair in love and nick names," Eva-licious is just grand :)

  3. Is Brice more manly than Bryce? Or does it just look spelled wrong?
