Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Worth the Wait

My good friend Laura and her husband became parents to just the prettiest baby girl last Saturday (at noon on the dot, on their due date, which is appropriate if you know them). They chose a beautiful, unique name for their daughter, and it was a very intentional name, not one decided on a whim or a flight of fancy. But Laura loves to torture, and she did not tell a single person the chosen name until the birthday.  This, of course, drove me near to insanity, and I tell you, nine months of suspense is a long time. But, it was worth the wait, just like the little cutie pie herself. Welcome to the world, Kale'a (pronounced Kalaya) Amariah! Here's an excerpt from her mama's blog:
"Kale'a means “joy” in Hawaiian. Amariah means “given/promised by God” in Hebrew. Taken together our daughter's name means “joy given by God” or “joy promised by God”."
With a name like that, little Kale'a is off to an auspicious start! And, if I had written, "little Kale'a's off to an auspicious start" instead, she'd have two!!! apostrophes in her name, which is just almost too awesome for words!


  1. Why are two apostrophes awesome? In my son's case apostrophes figure large into his name...which didn't occur to us when we named him. In the possessive cases. Matthias' dog, Matthias' cup etc. I don't look forward to teaching him that one in school. At least it's easier.

    P.S. I agree with you about Kale'a as a beautiful name!

  2. That is only the second example of two apostrophes in one word I have realized...the first being when we got a thank you card from a school teacher who was from Texas and it said, "Ya'll'll have to come visit me sometime" and I thought that was pretty awesome.

  3. @Marti- I completely understand. My maiden name was Thomas, and people were always writing things like "To the Thomas's" or "The Thomass'" etc. And I had a lisp, which just further exasperated the dilemma.

  4. @Kaci- That's probably the most amazing thing I've ever heard.
